Renew your vision for teaching and learning using the Principle Approach.
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is thekingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:14 ESV
This book is for YOU—the parent teacher or classroom teacher—to equip you with the elements of a dynamic approach to education. In Renewing the Mind for Teaching and Learning you will find a new paradigm to inspire you and release you from the drudgery of “canned” approaches to educating children, bringing a joy that is limitless, fresh every day and restores a love of learning.
You will learn how to:
- Teach using a time-tested method of successful education
- Master the joy and spirit of subject material—vocabulary, principles and leading ideas
- Establish the purpose of learning—overviews, timelines, maps, goals
- Construct a solid Biblical and academic curriculum
- Create an appealing learning environment providing the right tools
- Consistently uphold the standards of Christian scholarship and character
- Celebrate learning by incorporating music, art, drama, pageantry, performance and all the arts
Newly updated Renewing the Mind for Teaching and Learning is a self-directed study in the Principle Approach, a new way of thinking by today’s standards that views all life and learning through a Biblical lens.
A Biblical philosophy of education begets a fresh approach to both curriculum and method. Start the new year by “renewing your mind for teaching and learning”. This self-directed study is the first step in the process of restoring true Biblical education, the source of liberty and Christian self-government.
Order today and receive as a free gift our booklet Every Child A Promise that simply explains Principle Approach education, the benefits and the outcomes.
Renewing the Mind for Teaching and Learning, by Carole G. Adams and Elizabeth Youmans. 8 1/2” X 11”, paperback includes charts and an introduction to The Noah Plan curriculum. 114 pages. Regular price $29.95, 20% off now for just $23.96 plus receive Every Child a Promise booklet FREE with purchase! Use code BMRTM at check out.