The Foundation for American Christian Education has a multi-generational plan to replant the philosophy and rebuild the methods of authentic American Christian education—the original teaching and learning process called “The Principle Approach” that formed Christian character and self-government in the early generations of our nation, and taught our founders the principles that structure the U.S. Constitution to protect and empower a self-governing people.
The Principle Approach re-establishes for America’s children the spiritual, moral, and intellectual education necessary to influence and lead in homes, churches, and communities. Authentic Christian education is our historic legacy that culminated in the achievement of civil liberty as the hope of all humanity and that can restore the Republic today.
The FACE heart-mission is to educate the rising K-12 generations in truth to build the foundation of liberty and righteousness in the nation. The Principle Approach is America’s historic method of Biblical reasoning that places the Word of God at the heart of every subject in the school curriculum.
We see the multi-generational impact a Principle Approach school has on the community and the nation and see investing in schools as the key to restoration. Principle Approach education goes beyond the academic and moral education of the child to engage the family, the church, and the school in rebuilding the culture in timeless eternal principles. In our Leading Schools program we invest decades of experience in starting and running schools to provide a more direct path for the many hundreds of churches and individuals who are waking up to the essential need of Biblical classical education. As we strengthen schools we are seeding communities with Biblical truth.
The FACE “Demonstration” school exhibits Principle Approach philosophy, methodology, and curriculum in local communities. Such schools will consistently demonstrate average student scores in the Biblical range on the PEERS worldview test. Both emerging schools and existing schools, both day schools and hybrid programs are welcomed to attain “demonstration” status.
The FACE Leading Schools program provides a two year program of mentoring and training individualized to the needs and goals of the school. The introductory steps include an on-site visit followed by observation in demonstration school classrooms preparatory to discerning the potential success of covenant with FACE.
Mentors in the Leading Schools program are prominent and well-experienced Principle Approach school leaders and teachers who schedule regular conferences according to an agreed upon timeline of development.
Demonstration schools are nationally recognized by their distinct mission and receive ongoing benefits from the relationship with FACE.
The benefits to Leading Principle Approach schools include national recognition, on-going mentoring, fellowship with national and international school leaders, regional and national conferences, and the certification of Principle Approach master teachers.
FACE works with four types of schools in our Leading Schools Program:
1. Individuals, pastors or churches desiring to found a new school
2. Schools moving from another program to the Principle Approach
3. Existing Principle Approach Schools
To find out more about the Leading Schools Program, email Mike Myers, or call 757-488-6601.