Homeschool support using the Principle Approach
Many Principle Approach homeschoolers are seeking assistance with curriculum, support, and courses that their children can take. FACE provides support in all these areas, however there are a few others who do so as well. FACE Schoolhouse Tutors is designed to inform you about those in teaching and learning who have resources that are developed from a distinctly Principle Approach perspective. The individuals and organizations below are those who are teaching using Principle Approach methods and whose products are designed for K-12 distance education.
Dr. Brenda MacMenamin is a happy Christian wife and mother of four (now married) homeschooled children. She loves helping, guiding, advising, and teaching ‘best practices’ to young couples who are planning to undertake the noble cause of teaching their own children. Brenda offers four courses that combine history and literature:
- Constitutional Conversations in Six Weeks
- American History a 36 week course for High School credit from Original Documents
- American Government and Economics a 36 week course for High School credit
- Ancient History Using the Bible a 36 week course for High School credit appropriate for grades 9-12
Go to here to learn more.
Principled Academy: Excellent parents want to teach using the Principle Approach® method but it seems overwhelming and time consuming. Parents get discouraged. We understand and have a plan. We’ve simplified it for our home school and we’d love to help clear the path for you. You can do it! Heather Hall provides support for Principle Approach Homeschoolers. Her goal is to simplify the Principle Approach method for your homeschool and to show you how to teach from the Bible in every subject. To explore her many resources, go here to learn more..
The Historic Liberty Lantern: Belinda “Beth” Ballenger is a Principle Approach historian and Master Teacher of American Christian History. With her extensive training and experience, she speaks with a dynamic enthusiasm that makes God’s action in history “come alive” for her listeners. Beth has a blog that is family oriented and will have stories, historic and literary, for all ages. Go here to learn more and click on “blog”.
Dayspring Christian Academy: Dayspring Christian Academy is one of about 25 Principle Approach® schools in America. Its rich and elevated classical curriculum teaches students to think and reason from biblical principles and apply them to every area of life. It has a course on the Pilgrims for younger students, grades 3-6. Go here to learn more then click on Current Families, then Store, and you will find The Pilgrim Story.
The Providence Foundation: The Providence Foundation is a Christian educational organization whose mission is to train and network leaders to transform their culture for Christ, and to teach all citizens how to disciple nations. We have been working since our inception in 1983 to fulfill Christ’s commission to “make disciples of all nations.” Such nations will have transformed people, but also transformed institutions — family, church, and state. Providence has various courses developed for adults but which could be used for an advanced high school student. Areas include: General Worldview, Providential History, Family and Christian education, the Marketplace and The State. Go to here to learn more.
Plymouth Rock Foundation: The Plymouth Rock Foundation seeks to foster a greater public awareness and understanding of American history, ideas, and ideals, particularly as embodied in the lives of the Pilgrims who founded the Plymouth Colony in 1620. Our mission is to make more widely known and understood the Pilgrim principles and characteristics—their devotion to God and the Bible, to freedom and to tolerance, and their embodiment of courage, brotherhood, and individual moral character, and to make better known the ideas and achievements of later generations of Americans who followed after the Pilgrims in both spirit and deed, forging our nation’s Christian heritage. Various CDs, history and government books and courses by Dr. Paul Jehle are available through the Plymouth Rock Foundation. G0 here to learn more and then choose Bookstore.
Institute on the Constitution Course: Ricki Pepin has produced a U. S. Constitution course, suitable for a government or history credit, written in the context of the American View of law and government:
• There is a God.
• Our rights come from Him.
• The purpose of government is to protect and secure these rights.
This course is modeled after the Principle Approach and includes a Teacher’s Guide. It is taught by Jake MacAulay, with Michael Peroutka as the founder and host. Each lesson provides not only Constitutional and Biblical principles, but also applications of the students new knowledge as they learn how they can make a difference in their communities and nation. Click here to learn more.
Institute for Principle Studies: Founded in 2005, the Institute for Principle Studies is a Christian research and educational organization. Mike Winther of the Institute for Principle Studies has produced “Biblical Principles of Government” DVD series with the corresponding study guide, which includes additional reading and assignments. It includes teaching on history, evolution, economics, charity, education, and basic civics—all from a biblical perspective. This series is not only suitable for high school juniors and seniors, but also for any adults who wish to glean from this unique learning opportunity. To find out more or to place an order, go to
Covenant Academy Online provides Biblical Principle Approach classes for grades 4 through 12. Classes are provided across the seven disciplines: Government, History, Language, Literature, Mathematics, Philosophy, Science. Each class provides recorded teachings and regular assignments. Students receive individual feedback on submitted assignments and may have regular contact with the instructor through email/text. Visitors can click here to sign up with a user account to browse our catalog of courses.
Providential History with Laura Caruso. Laura is a Principle Approach trained instructor providing both high-school level courses for home educating families and field study tour resources for “students of all ages.” Inspired by Psalm 78 and with a passion for illuminating God’s Hand in History, Mrs. Caruso conducts providentially-focused tours of important historical sites and offers complete online courses for parent-directed education in American and World History, Humanities, Government and Economics.
Whether lecturing online or standing on the shores of St. Augustine, in the streets of Williamsburg or within the halls of Congress, Mrs. Caruso’s focus is to make the story of God’s providence alive, captivating and tangible. By teaching the principles and telling the stories of God’s mighty works, students come to an understanding that, just as God used men and nations in years past to accomplish His purposes, our Heavenly Father is about that same redemptive mission today and each of us has a part to play.
For information on available classes and field study tours, go to
Available from FACE: In addition to the Noah Plan curriculum and many lectures, courses and teacher training resources, FACE has produced a number of self-teaching courses that are suitable for high school students. Learn More.