…in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Colossians 2:3, NKJV
Lessons in Liberty is a series of 9 lectures and courses sponsored by The Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE) to help citizens better understand the source of liberty in our American Christian Constitutional Republic. A new topic begins in September of every year. Join like-minded patriots who love God’s Word, and together, master the “lessons of liberty” so you can be used of God to help bring every aspect of culture “captive to the obedience of Christ.”

Register now for lifetime access to all 9 lectures in the 2024-25 series. Join us live in-person and online, or watch recorded lectures at your convenience.
Lessons in Liberty Registrations
“For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall.”
Ephesians 2:14
Learn the Biblical responses and solutions to some of our nation’s predominant problems.
Preserving American freedom and liberty is an obligation placed upon each generation. American Christians understand this better than most other Americans. When forces converge that curtail liberty in the name of “progress,” there is no time for ambivalence or distraction; fully informed action becomes obligatory.
The 2024-25 Lessons in Liberty lecture series is titled, “Securing America for Our Children: Biblical Solutions.” The nine lectures will examine various threats to American liberty and the proper Biblical response to help preserve or restore, where necessary, the Founders’ vision of that liberty. Join us as we examine practical, pragmatic steps to secure our liberty for our children.
Learn to identify Biblical principles in a current issue or topic in today’s culture. Being able to identify principles or Biblical truth teaches you to quickly recognize the Biblical Worldview position on issues. In Lessons in Liberty our goal is to bring clarity from a Biblical perspective on many topics that we face today using Principle Approach® proven methods of Biblical reasoning.
Equip yourself to readily Biblically defend liberty and restore light to our nation clearing the clutter in the important discussion.
Securing America for Our Children: Biblical Solutions

Speakers include: Jim Wallis, Dr. Mike Myers, Dr. Max Lyons, Gary Porter, John Tant, Dr. Gai Ferdon, JR Gurley, James Atticus Bowden, and Ben Sisney.
Register for the entire nine-part Securing America for Our Children: Biblical Solutions for only $80 (individual or family) includes live presentations, video-recorded sessions, and handouts. Individual sessions are $10 each. Sessions may be accessed live in our classroom, live online, or at your convenience through watching the recorded presentation.
Securing America for Our Children: Biblical Solutions

Session One: September 9, 2024
Borders and Immigration: What is a Nation?
Presented by Jim Wallis
The Bible teaches that God interacts with both individuals and nations (Psalm 110:6), but what defines a nation? Are borders necessary or optional? While exact numbers are elusive, more than 10 million immigrants have entered our country illegally over the last three years. The goal of this policy is to reshape congressional apportionments. On the other hand, the Bible instructs us to be gracious to aliens (Exodus 22:21). What should a Christian think—and do?

Session Two: October 7, 2024
Climate Change: What Does Science Really Say?
Presented by Dr. Mike Myers
The media and pundits announce we only have a few years left before the oceans boil away and leave Earth looking like Mars. Are the climate change claims true? What does the science say? More importantly, would God allow this to happen to his creation?

Session Three: November 4, 2024
Spending the People’s Money: Who Gives, Who Gets?
Presented by Dr. Max Lyons
What was the Founder’s original plan for raising revenue to run the new government? How has that plan gotten so out of whack? What should replace our current tax system?

Session Four: January 6, 2025
Good Government: The Founder’s Principles
Presented by Gary Porter
Americans long ago lost sight of the purpose of government as conceived by America’s founders. We need a refresher, followed by a concerted effort to return to the Founders’ model. Can we do it?

Session Five: February 3, 2025
Racism: A Biblical Response
Presented by JR Gurley
Is there really such a thing as race? What does the Bible say on the matter? How can we engage in conversations about race?

Session Six: March 3, 2025
Human Sexuality: Where Are We Headed?
Presented by John Tant
Deviant sexuality has become mainstream. Where would the Left like to take us and how should Christians respond?

Session Seven: April 7, 2025
Is the Law a Tool or a Weapon?
Presented by Ben Sisney
Can law be corrupted? Can it be weaponized? Recent events have led to the emergence of a new term: “lawfare.” In the face of recent prosecutions, Americans are increasingly losing faith in the idea of an impartial justice system based on the rule of law. In this presentation, we review recent incidents of lawfare and discuss the Christian response.

Session Eight: May 12, 2025
Learning from History: The Importance of Language
Presented by James Atticus Bowden
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” says American philosopher George Santayana in his work The Life of Reason: Reason in Common Sense. But before learning from history, one must share a common understanding of the language that framed that history. What should we do when confronted with revisionist language and history?

Session Nine: June 2, 2025
Christian Nationalism: Is it Real?
Presented by Dr. Gai Ferdon
Like “lawfare,” the term “Christian nationalism” is also increasingly being heard, posed as a threat to democracy. What is it and is it really a threat?