FACE welcomed 14 participants to our facility and the Hall-Slater Library for our Applications Course the second week of July. The Applications Course is the second of three weeks of training (over three summers) in our Principle Approach Master Teacher Certification Program. The Applications Course is designed to equip teachers with instructional, planning, and curriculum skills, based in the Biblical philosophy of education that frames the Principle Approach methods. Participants created a teacher notebook for lifelong use with the tools for the independent completion of Practicum II.
Participants were from Lamb’s Academy, Liberty Hill Christian School, True Foundation, Christian Heritage School, Dayspring Christian Academy, and several not connected with a school. International attendees including several from Brazil (AECEP) and Uganda (Refornations). Inspired teachers are now ready to complete their Practicum II and prepare to come to the Exhibition Course in 2024, present a lesson to the faculty and colleagues, and graduate.
“I was inspired as I was developing my definition of mathematics. During Foundations I was concerned that it would be difficult to use the Principle Approach. But through the year and during Applications, I am growing in my excitement to teach mathematics as it is demonstrated through all of Scripture and so connected to all other subjects.” Principle Approach Educator
During the week participants were mentored by Principle Approach Master Teachers and they concluded the week with a Christian History Field Study to Jamestown and Yorktown, VA.