“For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord’s freeman:likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ’s servant.”
I Corinthians 7:22
Do we really have a good offensive game to reclaim America?
We have, for a long time, appeared to have neglected to take a stand in the direction of protecting and preserving a moral and God-fearing nation. It is as though many Christians, in particular have not known a strategy against those who are de-Christianizing America.
It would have been great if we had listened in 1964 when Rosalie Slater said,
“Unless the Christian school in America separate itself from the evolutionary philosophy which has formed and shaped the character of atheism and socialism in our land—unless the Christian school will teach from a basis of Christian philosophy of Education and through Christian methods produce a Christian Curriculum—we shall soon be inundated in the flood-tides of federal secularism.” (Teaching and Learning America’s Christian History: The Principle Approach p. 56)
She sounded an alarm that many did not want to hear, directing America to make changes, then we would be in a different place today. We were blind to see the takeover of America that was happening before our eyes. Because whoever controls education controls the direction of the nation.
We took the path of least resistance…giving away our responsibility over educating our children, forgetting to teach the principles of liberty from one generation to the next.
I like to think of our offense as resistance. The word resist means to endeavor to counteract, defeat, frustrate, or disappoint. There are two types of resistance: one is like a dam that resists the current of water passively by standing unmoved and interrupting its progress.
The second is where I see FACE as another form of resistance that is like an army that resists the progress of the enemy actively by encountering and defeating.
Nothing is more important to our youth and the nation than Christian education rooted in God’s Word forming Biblical reasoning. This is our best weapon against the enemy. The resistance strategy for America is to actively and purposefully educate the next generation to be equipped to stand for a Christian America. The strategy begins with starting Principle Approach schools nationwide that become a bulwark against the culture. Ensure that families have access to these schools and this type of education is to encounter and defeat the enemy.
Would you consider joining us in a resistance movement for education? We are opening schools nationwide and continuing to teach, train and support school leaders, teachers, pastors, and parents. To reach our next round of impact, we ask you to partner with us to help us reach our goal of $350,000 by September.
We are actively working with forty-two schools, expanding our training program to prepare more teachers to teach in these schools, and continue to make Christians aware of the transforming power of Principle Approach education. Every week the Lord brings requests for help—yesterday, a plea for Principle Approach schools in Ghana.
The hope is not in the church or an election; the hope is in each individual life becoming so knowledgeable in Biblical principles and reasoning that we restore our children and our nation to Christ.
We need to not be afraid to stand up for a Christian America. Christianity is not a religious choice of some to not impose on others. It is the very fabric of America interwoven into our national identity, liberty, and Christian form of government.
Thankfully serving,

Carey Woodruff, Executive Vice-President
P.S. Samuel Adams urges us to “renovate the age by impressing in the minds of youth the fear and love of the Deity … and, in subordination to these great principles, the love of their country; of instructing them in the art of self-government, without which they never can act a wise part in the government of societies, great or small; in short, of leading them in the study and practice of the exalted virtues of the Christian system…”
P.P.S. Please partner with us as we equip leaders towards actively and purposefully educating the next generation to stand for a Christian America.