“Do not let anyone claim to be a true American if they ever attempt to remove religion from politics. Anyone who does this cannot be called American.”
George Washington
There are those that would like to enforce the “separation of church and state” in the sense that Christians and Christianity should have nothing to do with society and culture. They erroneously teach or allege that religion should be kept private and personal, as it should not influence the “secular spheres” of business, government, markets, education, entertainment and news. Jesus, Paul and the disciples are our model in this regard. They did not limit their preaching, teaching and application of the Word of God to the synagogue or temple, but faithfully delivered God’s truth to people in homes, in the marketplace, in the city gates, in the streets and other public areas. They did not limit their proclamation of the truth to just theology or religion but addressed every area of life and living encompassing the areas of personal character, marriage, child discipleship, education, philosophy, science, history, psychology, civil government, business, finances, economics, and more.
Teach the Children:
1. Our faith is applied to all of life.
2. We must not be afraid to speak God’s truth outside of our home and church.
3. Pray, as the apostle Paul did, for boldness to proclaim the gospel (Ephesians 6:20).
“For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.”
Acts 20:27