We have allowed our treasury to be robbed and pillaged of its gold. In doing so we have lost our mission of the destiny and purpose of God’s America.
Teaching and Learning America’s Christian History: The Principle Approach
You are a vital part of the team of FACE, sharing in the broadening influence essential to restoring America. Thank you for joining with us. We recognize your contribution to this movement.
You and I know that God has a purpose and plan for our nation, and as Christians we need to step boldly forward in restoring Christian education to America.
A friend recently asked me how so many young people could be so deceived in our nation. With pain in his eyes, he wrestled with the thinking of our young people… the images of destruction, violence and confusion echoing throughout America’s streets… the deception. I asked, “What do we know of truth apart from God? America is spiritually bankrupt and teetering on the edge of complete appeasement to sin and immorality disguised as justice. Isn’t it a condition of our hearts to be drawn to truth through God?”
The reality is that we cannot recognize truth without God. It is a condition of the heart that is sensitive to what is right. The church has lost its influence and the common values that marked America have left a huge hole in our nation… in the hearts of young people today who are grasping for some purpose, something to believe in.
Stalin said, “ America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.” Sounds a lot like what we see today.
“Because of your work, we can repair the minds of our children that have been so damaged by the “Dewey” curriculum in our government schools. Praise God for your work!”
The fabric of America has been ripped apart. Those of us who God has called must become restorers. We are grateful that these difficult times show the clear divide and a clear path forward.
Over this year, each person who came to FACE for training committed to teaching ten people what they learned in our sessions. Many of them are teaching more than ten people, as they’re part of schools, co-ops, and study groups. Thousands over the next year will be impacted through the Principle Approach! God is raising up an army of men and women who have the vision and training to equip our next generation with a mind to reason Biblically and a heart and conscience to live to God.
As the urgent need for restoring Christian education grows — with more and more families reaching out, looking for help in homeschooling, training in Principle Approach online courses, developing school support, and multi-generational re-education — we are scaling up our operations to keep pace with the demand.
“My story is like many others today. I see the shift in thinking, the lack of reasoning, the removal of biblical laws, and my heart aches for a revival. I look at what is happening and I want to just click a restart button and go back to the Biblical truths laid out for us as citizens—to educate our children in a Christ-centered, Christ-honoring way. I support the work of FACE because it gives me the honor of participating in the restoration that is taking place in our nation through the FACE mission. I feel blessed to serve with them.”
We are asking you to pray about making a transformational gift to FACE to help position us for greater impact. We see the remarkable opportunity now like no other time in our 56 years of ministry. Please prayerfully consider an immediate impact gift, multi-year commitment, or monthly partnership. Click here to donate.
Your gifts give stability and consistency to our work. Major gifts of $5,000+ create high impact and greatly move FACE forward with a laser focus on restoring Christian education in America.
FACE has a bold vision and clear path forward. We have many trained and ready to help, and will move at the speed of donor trust. If God is calling your heart to participate in this restoration, we ask you to pray fervently for this work and those serving in it! “The Lord moved by prayer for the land.” (2 Samuel 24:25)
Thank you for partnering with the FACE family. There is an awakening in America to classical Biblical education, and, with YOU, we are armed and ready to restore!
Faithfully stepping out,

Carey Woodruff
P.S. The only real loss will be — if we do nothing and allow the shift downward to continue. Partner with us in the restoration of Christian education to impact this generation. Your gift to FACE today empowers us to advance the destiny and purpose of God’s America.
“I am so glad to invest in Principle Approach because I know when our children are taught these principles, they are not blown about by false teaching and ignorance of our nation’s foundation, and they are taught to seek and trust Him as revealed in His Word. My small seed in FACE will be multiplied for His Glory.”