Parents want to do better and we are responding to the need in big ways. Doors are opening in ways we never thought possible.
While the very fabric of American liberty is under assault, there is an undercurrent of alarm among people of faith to reclaim the rightful place of Christ in the multi-generational march of the Gospel.
We are as grateful as we are excited to give you an update! With the impact of your support and partnership, together, and even with COVID limitations, we met our funding goal for the inauguration of the first year of the FACE Plan! We are seeing the Lord work in wonderful ways bringing the courage to take back the education of Christian children, to take on the study of the American Christian principles too often publicly abandoned, and to take up the vision of the work of restoring the Republic.
Read the entire Fall Report here.
To restore Christian character and conscience to our children through education, we must be as knowledgeable about principles as the enemies of freedom are about the knowledge of issues.
Verna M. Hall
Your support has positioned FACE for tremendous growth and influence in 2021:
- SUMMER TEACHER TRAINING of 140 teachers representing 20 Christian schools in 2 weeks of intense courses.
- MASTER TEACHER PRINCIPLE APPROACH CERTIFICATION PROGRAM prepares teachers of teachers to multiply results.
- PASTOR AND LEADER SUMMITS calling for the restoration of local communities through education.
- FACE LEADING SCHOOLS PROGRAM equips Christian Schools to impact their communities.
- and much more
We are grateful to all of you who join with us daily in prayer and in financially supporting FACE to help make sure we can equip parents and schools for true education. God has given parents responsibility for training their children. Together we are equipping them with every good thing to bring their children faithfully into their fullest expression in Christ.