Most Americans know George Washington led Americans to independence and served as our first president, but few recognize that his unique contributions to our nation are the fruit of his deep religious conviction and great strength of character.

Historian and FACE founder Verna M. Hall knew that it is impossible to understand Washington the man without understanding his profound Christian faith. To help our nation, and particularly for the rising generation, to associate Washington with the Biblical standards of character he practiced, Miss Hall compiled material about Washington from his own words and from the accounts of others. The result is a rare biography, George Washington: The Character and Influence of One Man, illuminating his preparation for service to his countrymen and development as a leader whose character was the role model for all Americans. Highlights of the life and character of George Washington from primary resources set apart this excellent volume on the “Father” and “Founder” of the American Republic.
Let George Washington’s life teach lessons of heroism, leadership and love of family through first-hand accounts by his contemporaries. Understand how God shaped his life from childhood, forming him into a man of influence.
In this beautifully illustrated, hardbound volume, you and your family will discover:
- Why George Washington was the most voluminous American writer of his period
- How his principles of government influenced the development of America
- How his modern ideas of engineering operations impacted the building of canals and draining of swamps
- How he became a bank director and investor
- Why he was one of the first to recognize and work to capture the power of water transportation
Take advantage of this special offer and purchase this book for 50% off. George Washington: The Character and Influence of One Man, complied by Verna M. Hall, edited by Dorothy Dimmick, introduction by Rosalie J. Slater, 1999, The Foundation for American Christian Education, blue linen hardcover with gold embossed imprint, 477 pages. 50% off the regular price of $42.95, now for a limited time only just $21.48 . Use code BMGW for your discount at checkout.