The Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE) arose as Americans began to alter the original form of their government from individual and local self-government to forms of government that paved the way for ever-increasing socialism and dependence.
Verna Marie Hall, recognizing the lack of knowledge of America’s true history and fundamental principles, began to study the primary sources of history, which revealed this nation as unique, with a singular beginning and sacred covenant of individual freedom or local self-government.
In 1964, Verna and Rosalie June Slater incorporated FACE and began their lifelong tasks of researching and documenting the connection between Christianity, individual freedom, and local self-government. Verna wrote, “The failure to remember this
connection …is the obvious reason why American people are deflecting into socialism degree by degree.”
They began by simply teaching and publishing their research, then crisscrossing the country in a station wagon laden with red books to teach Americans their sacred heritage. Verna’s Constitutional Study Group, formed in 1947, eventually filled a rented hall in San Francisco and taught a generation of leaders to influence many others to restore America’s original motives and purposes.
The original 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language, long out of print, was republished by FACE to revive the language of American liberty. Today, it is the only dictionary that roots the definition of words in a Biblical worldview to re-educate the individual, the family, the church, and the nation.
In 2024, we jubilantly celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of FACE and the trailblazers who re-connected Christianity, individual liberty, and local self-government for American Christians to teach their children today.
We continue to be challenged by the courage, persistence, humility, and energy of these two godly leaders who reach into our generation with truth and the tools to preserve it.
Teach the Children

Dr. Carole Adams, President
FOUNDATIONS COURSE: Encouraging, Life-Changing, and Transforming Education

This year, FACE conducted the Foundations course in two locations. Salt and Light Baptist Church in LaGrange, Kentucky, hosted a group of teachers poised to staff their new school opening in September. Jill White, Master Teacher, headed the one-week training and was pleased with the energetic group’s reception of the Principle Approach®. The second week of training was held at the FACE campus in Chesapeake, Virginia. This group of inquiring educators found the week “life-changing,” with many expressing a newfound understanding and passion for authentic Christian education. One person remarked, “The topic that stood out was the story of America because it clearly showed where we’ve come from, how far we’ve fallen, and what we have to do
to get back.” Another attendee said, “The entire course was extremely inspiring. I had no idea that there are so many people who [know about] the Principle Approach, and it is refreshing to meet like-minded people who realize the importance of this.” The Chesapeake Foundations course culminated in a Christian History Field Study of historic Jamestown and Williamsburg led by Laura Caruso and Chris Evans.
The blessings of liberty in America cannot be perpetuated unless the principles of that liberty are re-identified and re-affirmed in each generation.
Verna M. Hall
Investing in our Children’s Future

Teachers, administrators, and ministry leaders from across the country met July
8-12 at the FACE campus in Chesapeake, Virginia, to deepen their understanding of Principle Approach education. The Applications Course, the second level of Principle Approach Master Teacher training, is designed to equip teachers with instructional, planning, and curriculum development skills based on a Biblical philosophy and methodology. The aspiring Master Teachers could research their subject area, write and plan curriculum, fellowship with other teachers, and be mentored by experienced Master Teachers. Comments by attendees included: “I have acquired materials and transformed my thinking. I will take back the heart of this method to serve and train our teachers.” “Thank you for your investment in us!”
A Vision to Restore Authentic Christian Education
Twelve new Principle Approach Master Teachers received their Certificates of Completion and Master Teacher pins in the closing ceremony of the Exhibition Course, held in the Hall Slater Library on July 24. The Exhibition Course is the culmination of the three-year Principle Approach Master Teacher Program, which includes study, instruction, and demonstrating Principle Approach scholarship under the mentorship and guidance of a Principle Approach Master Teacher. Congratulations to these 12 colleagues with a vision for authentic American Christian education and its role in restoring our nation to liberty.

Preparing Students for the ‘Big Picture’ of Life

Melanie Stoltzfus has taught at Dayspring Christian Academy for ten years. She is now a 4th grade teacher. Science is her favorite subject because the children are curious and enthusiastic learners about nature and God’s world. As a parent and teacher, Melanie understands the importance of the Principle Approach to inculcate a Biblical worldview. She said, “Students learn to reason through issues and defend truth using the Bible— God’s Word. It helps prepare them for the ‘big picture’ of life.” Melanie completed her Principle Approach Master Teacher Certification in July. She lives in Landisville, Pennsylvania, with her husband Matt and three children: Mikayla, a graduate, and
Grace and Gabe, students at Dayspring.
“One of the most critical changes in American education has been the
Rosalie J. Slater
change away from the reasoning, writing, and reflecting ability so prominent in the generations that produced the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and other documents. This ability to define a philosophy of government in writing resulted from a colonial education in Biblical principles, leading ideas, and their application to the field of civil government— America’s unique contribution.”