Are you mystified about teaching math and science? There is a great challenge facing American Christian teachers and parents today to fully train and equip the next generation for Christian life and leadership. In an age divided by the relentless necessity of scientific and technological advances, the preparation our students receive in mathematics and science is critical for their role in fulfilling God’s cultural mandate. For those who have always been afraid and mystified about teaching math and science, we have created a special curriculum bundle suitable for 3rd to 5th grades.
At the heart of your teaching and learning bundle: The Noah Plan Mathematics Curriculum Guide, which enables learners to take possession of mathematics by becoming problem solvers, and The Noah Plan Biblical Foundations of Natural History Guide which expresses the real reason why Biblical and principled teaching provide internally, externally and eternally the missing ingredients of meaning and purpose within science.
Included in this special offer: Carry on, Mr. Bowditch classic tells how Nathaniel Bowditch, the early American mathematician, became the founder of modern maritime navigation. It is a fascinating story that highlights Nathaniel’s modest beginnings, to his rigorous self-education and fine-tuned mastery of navigation that led to the publication of his famous work The American Practical Navigator. Included are the Mr. Bowditch Teacher Guide and Student Packet.
As a bonus you will also receive FREE The Journal, Volume V which highlights teaching subjects by models of individual character.
If purchased separately these volumes have a $119.74 value. Now save 20% on this special math and science bundle for only $83.03. Click below to order, no special code required.