There’s a resurgence in teaching America’s Christian history.
We have made it through a year of “pandemic” and, despite all the efforts to shut the world down, it has brought the ‘home’ back as the primary place and educational source. Many parents have a heightened interest in their children’s education evidenced by a surge of home education. The spotlight on schooling in this challenging time has caused many Christian families to realize that Christian children need Christian education to make better decisions.
Revival is coming! At The Foundation for American Christian Education, more than ever we see schools starting, home school co-ops forming, churches starting schools, and parents asking better questions about their children’s education. On-line schooling at home has given parents access to the content of public school curriculum awakening Christians to the overt efforts of educational activists to indoctrinate our children in current “woke” aggressions that secularists demand, forcing any shred of moral absolutism out of the classroom. There is now a revival in teaching America’s Christian History to counter the present cultural abominations. This is something to cheer us along in the battle for the heart and soul of America. Teaching our children truth, sanctifying them in the Word of God, is the only hope for their future.
Teaching our children truth, sanctifying them in the Word of God, is the only hope for their future.
Our children belong to God. We as parents are to hold them lightly and direct them toward God. The most significant and lasting impact we can have on our children is to gently and lovingly educate them in the mind and heart of God to cause them to think always first of what the Bible says about every aspect of life. This seems so simple but it takes a lifetime of practice and effort to redirect our sinful natures toward what is pure and true and lovely.
We are seeing results. In 2019 FACE launched a five-year plan to enable fifty Principle Approach teaching centers across the US. This God-sized plan involves launching K-12 schools enabled to impact families, churches and the community they serve with study groups, home schooling support and outreach. To execute the plan we have launched a school support and mentoring program, the Principle Approach master teacher certification program, and Principled Studies groups across the country. Two years into this we are working with 37 schools and three colleges and have four new schools starting this fall. We are humbled and amazed to see God stirring hearts to take bold steps in educating our future generations.
We’re praising God for the increase and the joy of proclaiming “His Story” in this Spring Report.
Gratefully Yours,
Carey Woodruff, Executive Vice-President

Confronting the Root of Every Issue in Modern Education: Principle Approach Master Teacher Certification Program
The Principle Approach to education is a life-long study, setting a teacher on a trajectory of personal growth and learning, and impresses a unique and Biblical approach to life upon each student entrusted to that teacher. FACE launched a Principle Approach Master Teacher Certification Program in 2018 to train individuals who seek an educational worldview informed by the Bible.
Our goal for the Master Teacher Certification Program is to educate teachers and others in the Principle Approach, the Biblical alternative and answer to government school curriculum formed by Marxists ideas such as Critical Race Theory, gender confusion, evolutionary ideology, socialist beliefs and other pagan philosophies.
The Principle Approach is the type of education of our Founding Fathers and Mothers that built our Christian Constitutional Republic. Educating our children using Principle Approach philosophy and methodology is the answer to restore our nation and secure our liberties.
FACE has designed a three-year program to accommodate those who want to become a fully credentialed Principle Approach Master Teacher. Since the beginning of this initiative, we have trained 250 individuals in the Foundations and Applications Courses in the last year and will have our first graduating class in June 2021.
Summer Training Kicking Off
Foundations Course July 11-16, 2021. FACE Chesapeake campus or online. This is the entry-level five-day course that covers Principle Approach philosophy, methodology and curriculum towards becoming a credentialed Principle Approach Master Teacher.

Applications Course July 19-23, 2021. FACE Chesapeake campus. This is the second-level course that applies the Foundation level instruction to subject areas or grade levels. Must complete Foundations assignments and Practicum within a nine-month timeline to apply for Applications course.
Exhibition Course June 28-July 1, 2021. FACE Chesapeake campus. This is the third-level course towards becoming a credentialed Master Teacher. Participants present their work and mentors advise and guide. The week long seminar culminates with the teaching of a model lesson designed by the participant.
Are you called to be a Principle Approach Master Teacher or know someone who would long for this type of teacher training? You can get started this summer with the Foundations Course. Click here for more information.
2021 Marketing Boot Camp
Preparing for Growth

In January FACE launched the Marketing Boot Camp, a new and exciting initiative that has been developed, within our Leading Schools Program, to help school leaders in their school’s growth and development. The attendees received training in the key principles and methods of marketing and branding their schools. They left with a huge arsenal of innovative ideas, tools and a jump-start on developing their individualized marketing plans. The Boot Camp was taught by a stellar faculty with decades of experience in school marketing and development.
The Boot Camp challenged me to a higher standard of marketing my school….
The refocus on the essentials always clears the mental clutter.
Another New Principle Approach School Startup Arrows Christian Academy, CA

FACE is partnering with Tanya and Devon Williams through our Leading Schools program to start a Principle Approach School in the San Diego area. Devon is the pastor of Relentless Church in Chula Vista and Tanya is the visionary for Arrows Christian Academy. The Williams have completed their first requirements to join the mentoring program, as well as a visit to FACE in March. They plan to open in September 2021. Pray for the leadership and the families at Arrows Christian Academy. We are at a defining moment in history requiring vision, courage, and strong sacrifices to turn the tide. It can only be done by restoring the home, equipping the church and taking back the education of our children. Photo: Max Lyons, Director of Teaching Services at FACE, and Margie Lyons with Tanya and Devon Williams.

Hot off the press
- The long-awaited hardback edition of the classic The Bible and the Constitution in a new edition commemorating the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower Compact
- Recently published, Principles of American Government, Ben Gilmore’s essential course on government in a study guide format for high school students and adults.
- A new, updated edition of Renewing the Mind for Teaching and Learning, the overview of Principle Approach philosophy, curriculum and methodology.
Our long term goal remains to restore the nation to Biblical truth through education:
- We remain focused on the influence and impact of the 37 schools we work with.
- We are growing new schools with four opening this fall.
- Our largest Master Teacher Certification this summer with three weeks of training and hundreds of teachers.
- Ongoing publishing and teaching America’s Christian history and method of education with three new publications for our curriculum being recently released.
- Supporting “Enlightening the Nation Principled Studies Groups” in churches and communities across the nation.
We are grateful for:
- The awakening among Christians to the necessity of Biblical Christian education for Christian children.
- Bold school leaders stepping up to new challenges and opening new schools around the country.
Please Pray for:
- Protection of religious liberty which allows us to provide Christian Education.
- Funding for online Principle Approach high school.
- Wisdom for teachers and school leaders as they face unbelievable challenges.
- Momentum continuing as we expand and reach more communities, families, churches, and teachers.

Every $1 you contribute is leveraged with $2 in earned income through book sales and training.

God moves His people to get involved, for such a time as this.
Today, while the signs of the times seem most disheartening, there is evidence that the overturning, overturning, overturning, is taking place. Our unique heritage and founding has again been brought to light and some Americans are remembering their Christian heritage. Verna M. Hall