Do not urge me to leave you…For where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge, Your people will be my people, your God, my God. Ruth 1:16
It is natural for us to go to God’s Holy Word for guidance and to grow in knowledge and faith.
II Timothy 3:16-17 tells us the words of Scripture are “God-breathed” or inspired. God is the source or origin of what is recorded in Scripture. Through the Holy Spirit, God used human authors to write what He revealed in the Bible.
The Bible is also our source and seedbed of literature and liberty. It models the highest standards of language and ideas of every type of literature. It teaches us character as we study the lives of Bible men and women. The Book of Ruth is one of those stories where we learn about love, dedication, faith, work, and obedience.
The Book of Ruth is a short story featuring Ruth, her mother-in-law Naomi, and her future husband Boaz, the redeemer. It offers a tale of loss, romance, and true love and foreshadows the birth of Jesus, our Redeemer. Ruth was lifted out of poverty to become the great-grandmother of David, the ancestor to Christ.
Teach the Children
- The Holy Bible is the acknowledged greatest book in the world.
- The Holy Bible is the most influential book in the world.
- The Holy Bible is the literary masterpiece of the world.