Another wonderful group of pastors, parents, and educators traveled to Chesapeake, VA on May 4-5, 2023, to participate in the latest Leading Schools Program Orientation and Ambassador Training. The FACE staff welcomed participants from Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Colorado to learn more about the Principle Approach and the FACE initiative to support leaders who desire to start a school. The two-day event began with an overview of the philosophy, methodology, and curriculum of America’s historic Christian classical method of education, the Principle Approach, by Dr. Mike Myers, FACE Director of School Services. The orientation continued in the Hall-Slater Library with a presentation on the history and vision of the Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE) by Dr. Carole Adams, FACE President and Founder of Stonebridge School. The first day concluded with an explanation the partnership between FACE and participating schools that leads to the establishment of a flourishing and enduring Principle Approach school.
Day Two of the orientation centered on a field study to nearby Stonebridge School led by Dr. Max Lyons, FACE Director of Teaching Services. Stonebridge School is a FACE Principle Approach Demonstration School. Participants witnessed Principle Approach education first-hand in the classrooms across the grade levels in the school. The orientation concluded with a Q&A session and an explanation of the Leading Schools Program’s Covenant of Cooperation between FACE and the participating school. We are thrilled to see God continuing to bring laborers into the education field at this strategic moment in America.
As a teacher I have been changed. I want to reach out to my community with the principles of God’s Word and I am so glad that I have the tools now in my hands to do it!
I thoroughly enjoyed the StoneBridge School classroom observations, particularly seeing how the principles were taught, and to see and understand the use of the timeline for each subject.