“Then all your sons will be taught by the LORD, and great will be their prosperity. In righteousness you will be established, far from oppression, for you will have no fear. Terror will be far removed, for it will not come near you… ” Isaiah 54:13-14
I invite you to dream with me about an America that shines so brightly with the light of Jesus Christ that all nations will be drawn to know Him. I can see an America where God’s sovereignty in all of human life reigns in the hearts and minds of its citizens who know and honor truth, value individual life—every life, and believe the principles outlined in the Bible knowing they are given to us for our good, for our greatest happiness in life lies in resting in God’s will.
The strength of America, our nation’s freedom, comes only through these life-giving principles. Noah Webster1 told us the education of youth is an employment of more consequence than making laws and preaching the gospel, because it lays the foundation on which both the law and gospel rest for success.
I have a vision to raise an army of individual lives prepared to build the family, the church, and the nation through education in a Biblical-theistic worldview to glorify God above all and to bless the people by applying wise principles to all areas of life. This is what will shift the culture in America; this is what will return America to “first principles” our founding hope for the nation. I not only believe it with all my heart but I am witnessing it happen all across America.
Education is the key to reconstructing the foundations of the nation for tomorrow. The link between Christianity and liberty is indisputable. The way forward is to take hold of this and run with it, to work community by community to reseed the ideas of American liberty, not only into the next generation, but also in parents, grandparents, and for generations.
You might be thinking yes, I agree Carey, but how are we going to do this? I will explain it by going back in time to show you how we got here. In the 1930’s a group of Marxists intellectuals associated with the communist party in Germany, fled Nazism to take refuge in the United States. The Frankfurt School combines Marxist ideas with Freudian methods to undermine the American Republic. They foresaw a Marxist culture emerging to replace the existing American culture including Christianity, capitalism, righteous authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty,
patriotism, nationalism and more. All our values had to be overturned.
Education became the means to accomplish a goal known for centuries to Americans as literacy and standardized-equal-opportunity-education through the “common school.” Marxist-purposed education then reshaped traditional beliefs and our existing social structure as a mechanism of social change, an intentional effort to move us away from our founding mission built on Biblical principles that established a free, self-governing nation and a refuge from tyranny.
Marxists understood that whoever controls education rules the country. Lenin is quoted as saying, “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. Give us the child for eight years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.” Lenin also is quoted as saying, “Truth is a most precious thing, that is why we should ration it.”
The FACE Plan to establish 50 Principle Approach teaching centers across the country is working with 43 new and planned schools in 20 states. The impact a school has on a community is immense. Consider a typical Principle Approach school, educating an average of 400 students each year for 25 years, 10,000 families impacting communities and seeding many more Biblical worldview thinkers into the community. When you multiply that by the hundreds of schools FACE has worked with and trained over the last 58 years, you can begin to see that the impact of multiplying our efforts to 50 teaching sites around the country can transform the nation. Not only that, but with 56 study groups teaching 10-15 people in each group, that’s as many as 840 people being impacted immediately. Multiply that with 50 teachings centers, and we could be training thousands more. The hundreds of teachers being trained each year, each influencing thousands of families in their careers will, by the Holy Spirit, outweigh the decades of indoctrination designed to destroy the family, the church, the nation, and our children.
The tide is beginning to turn, and will turn more and more as we take hold of this vision and carry it forward community by community across the nation. We won’t have everyone, but we need the leadership, those running for office and running successful businesses, pastoring churches, leading their families in Biblical truth, because we don’t want to ration truth, we want to magnify it across America!
I am on the frontline at FACE speaking, sharing essential Principle Approach education for the nation, and moving the needle on the discussion of what it will take to restore America.
Would you prayerfully consider sowing into this work so we can keep bringing light to the nation through K-12 education in Biblical truth for thousands of young people? We are raising $250,000 for our next round of impact. I hope you will consider helping us reach this goal so that we can begin 2023 well positioned to launch more schools, train more teachers and reach our goal of 50 Principle Approach teaching centers across America.
Vision leads restoration in the goal of restoring to Christ what is His. Our children are His and must be reclaimed for Christ: we must reclaim the child, every subject in the curriculum, and our children’s characters, to bring Christian liberty back to the people—and to the nations! I would like for you to share this vision with us for America, because without vision the people perish. We are the hope, the way forward out of this mess and we have the backing of a Sovereign God who is at work and who we are at work with!
Thankfully serving,

Carey Woodruff
PS. “To save our country from the dry rot of secularism, we are in need of a nation-wide education that honors God and that teaches study content in the light of God’s Word.”2 Principle Approach education is the only form of education that places the Bible at the heart of all education and teaches young people to reason by Biblical principles. This is the hope for the nation!
PPS. Recently a study was done to test the Biblical worldview of Christian teachers with very disappointing results. It has been estimated that, counting the influence teachers have on the entire family, and including the influence on generations, a single teacher in a thirty-year career can touch untold numbers of lives in addition to eternity! Our FACE mission serves teachers with great hope!
1 Renewing the Mind for Teaching and Learning: Self-directed Study in the Principle Approach, p. XI, Foundation for American Christian Education, 2021.
2 Slater, R. J., & Hall, V. M. (1975). Teaching and Learning America’s Christian History (American Revolution Bicentennial ed., p. xix). San Francisco: Foundation for American Christian Education.