The Nehemiah Institute and The Foundation for American Christian Education are partnering with churches and ministries to impact the education of Christian-family children through the Reclaim 85 Plan. The essence of the Plan is to aid parents and pastors to understand and act on the urgency of removing their children from government-run secular schooling. The Reclaim85 Plan provides tools and guidance from FACE and Nehemiah Institute to transition a local church over a multi-year timeline from 85% use of government-run secular schooling to at least 85% schooling in either private Christian schools or homeschools.
The following strategies and initiatives are available from FACE and Nehemiah Institute to assist with this goal:
1. Learn more about Biblical Christian Education and the Principle Approach. Opportunities abound for you and your leadership team to equip yourselves in a better understanding of the differences between government-run secular education and distinctively Christian education, as well as the educational methodology of the Principle Approach. You can visit FACE in Chesapeake, Virginia and receive a guided tour of our ministry and the Hall-Slater Library and Training Center. This tour is usually accompanied by a guided tour of StoneBridge School, a demonstration school for the Principle Approach. There are other demonstration schools in the U.S. if you prefer to visit one closer to you. FACE offers various print and digital products for your education. Numerous print materials (approximately 160) teach the Biblical view of education, history, government, economics, mathematics, science, and much more. Visit the FACE Bookstore for details on our recommendations. Both Nehemiah Institute and FACE offer Biblical worldview and teacher training materials. Your church’s Christian Education Director will want to access these for his or her ongoing training for implementing Christian education in your church. Also he or she should consider attending the FACE Foundations Course, an intensive week of training in the Biblical philosophy, curriculum and methods of education.
2. Use the PEERS Test as a plumb line to call for action. This is the first step of the Reclaim85 Plan. This worldview assessment would be used by high school students and adults to get a baseline read on worldview understanding within a local church. Contact Dan Smithwick for details call 407-462-2725.
3. Begin to educate church members on the Biblical mandate for Christian education. Some of the tools include:
- Print publications: New American Magazine, Special Report on Education, available for $1.00 per copy when purchased in bulk from The New American; Sons and Daughters Walking in the Truth booklet detailing the Biblical basis for Christian education available from FACE
- Rescuing our Children and Our Nation DVD: This one hour lecture by Alex Newman is an excellent part of your curriculum to expose government education and promote Christian education. Also available from The New American.
- PILLARS course: A worldview primer designed for an 11-week small group study. Contact Nehemiah Institute 800-948-3101.
- Preach a Sermon Series: FACE has materials to assist you in preparing to preach a series on the mandate for Biblical Christian education.
- Political Correctness: A must read for understanding what happened to American education. We simply cannot turn back Cultural Marxism apart from knowing this story. $15.95 from Amazon. Bulk discounts available from Nehemiah Institute, 800-948-3101.
4. Begin the process of integrating Biblical worldview training in all areas of your church:
- Start a Principled Studies Group: FACE provides a model, the administrative details, and curriculum to conduct a class or home group in your church where participants systematically learn the Biblical worldview and learn how to engage the culture Biblically. FACE will assist you to begin a high school or adult study group that will be focused on learning the Biblical worldview of government, economics, education, social issues and much more. Request the free 23 page Enlightening the Nations, How to start and conduct a local Principled Study Group handbook.
- Biblical worldview training for youth: Begin teaching the Biblical view of all subjects to your youth in youth group and in your K-12 Sunday school program. Both FACE and Nehemiah Institute have curriculum for you to use. Contact Max Lyons or Dan Smithwick for details.
5. Begin a Christian Education Scholarship Program. One of the most effective ways to support Christian education for all families who desire it is to find ways to help fund Christian education for those who cannot afford it. Church scholarship programs are not widespread in America, but we can change this. Every church is interested in the Biblical discipleship of its children. A church Christian Education Scholarship Program (CESP) is an excellent way for churches to help accomplish this critical task.
6. Support a school. Consider starting a Principle Approach hybrid school in your church. A hybrid is a conflation of a traditional school and homeschooling. If your church does not have one, or is not lead by God to start one at this time, consider making your church available to a group needing a facility.
For further information on starting a Biblical worldview education initiative in your church contact: Dan Smithwick Nehemiah Institute (407) 462-2725 or Max Lyons, The Foundation for American Christian Education (757) 488-6601.