Learn how to defeat tyranny and defend your liberty.
Today, we confront the gravest threat to our nation’s liberty ever faced. This peril is not an external enemy, but an internal one—an anti-Biblical thinking which produces dependency, debt, chaos, fear and despair.
So what is the antidote?
Pathway to Biblical Liberty—our 2020-21 Lessons in Liberty Series—is now available as a video course designed to help defeat tryanny and defend our liberty by renewing your mind and acquiring a Biblical worldview, so that America can once again be a light to the nations.
Pathway to Biblical Liberty is an eleven-part, 16 1/2 hour video course documenting the vital role of the Bible in the forming of the United States of America. Each session presents one major idea from The Pathway to Biblical Liberty Study Guide (included with purchase of the course). You will be become an influencer, ready and able to protect our liberty.
Learn to reason Biblically and apply Biblical truth to all areas of life. Equip yourself and your family with the tools to develop a solid Biblical worldview. Give your children the “God confidence” they will need to stand up and defend their faith in an increasingly hostile culture. The Pathway to Biblical Liberty video study series is the ideal resource to introduce the Principle Approach philosophy of education—America’s historic method of Biblical reasoning—to your family and friends.
This study series is packed with practical presentations. You will not want to miss one session. The Pathway to Biblical Liberty Eleven-Part Video Course includes:
- What America has become and what America can be
- Christian Character and Virtuous Leadership
- What is the Principle Approach and why does it matter?
- The Biblical Worldview: The Importance of Studying God’s Providential History
- Thinking and Reasoning Biblically
- And finally a Call to Action
The course also Includes The Pathway to Biblical Liberty Study Guide, lecture PowerPoint slides and handouts.

Join our noteworthy panel of speakers, including Dr. Carole Adams, Dr. Max Lyons, Gary Porter, Dr. Mike Myers, and Carey Woodruff as together they reveal the truth that sets us free. You will not want to miss one session.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2 NIV