Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17
Dear Friend,
2020 was America’s wake-up call.
After the pandemic’s mask mandates, school closures, and teachers’ union dictates, parents could no longer overlook the calculated tyranny over their families’ values by government-controlled education.
The deliberate, decades-long effort to transfigure America through progressive education has doomed generations of future leaders to ignorance and relativism, unable to answer the big questions concerning life, character, right and wrong, and removed from their reach the concepts of liberty.
These godless views threaten to destroy the foundation of our Constitutional Republic and the Biblical worldview predominant at America’s Christian founding.
Why has America moved away from liberty and run to the arms of socialism and dependence?
Sixty years ago, God called two ordinary women to rediscover why and how our nation learned self-government.
As a young woman, Verna Marie Hall worked for the federal government during the Depression. The crises of the 1930s led to deceptive promises that allowed the federal government to make itself indispensable, first to individuals and then to businesses. Verna witnessed the shift in the character of citizens dependent on government handouts as socialism undermined the American spirit.
What ideas and principles were foundational to the greatest expression of civil liberty ever known by man? And what was being lost?
Verna began to research America’s history. She studied primary sources to find the ideas that set our nation apart.
Her research convinced her that Christian character, local self-government, and the republican form of government, principles rooted in the Bible, were the keystones of our Republic. They are America’s witness to Christ’s promise, You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. John 8:32
Verna discovered the uniqueness of these principles and that while each religion has a form of government, Christianity astonished the world by establishing self-government.
However, she warned, “We as a people have allowed ourselves to become separated from the keystone of our national structure—our Christian heritage. By omission, America deflected into socialism. The keystone in the arch of our national structure was loosened.”
Rosalie June Slater, a doctoral candidate and teacher, visited Russia in 1959 to witness firsthand the socialist education system highly touted by her Stanford University professors. She could not bury her disappointment in “progressive education’s” deadening effect on Russian society, especially on families and children.
Rosalie partnered with Verna to publish America’s Christian history from original sources and the philosophy of education based on Biblical principles that became the seedbed of liberty.
In 1964, the Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE) was born with a mission to reeducate Americans in their heritage of Christian character and self-government and in obedience to Biblical mandates to teach the children.
Thus began the restoration of Biblical civil liberty to generations of Americans.
Will you join us?
As we celebrate FACE’s 60th anniversary, we rejoice that our mission has influenced generations of scholars, teachers, pastors, patriots, and parents. However, the work is unfinished, and the need is greater than ever.
Today, FACE trains teachers and school leaders to restore the knowledge that once made America. We teach a philosophy of education called The Principle Approach®, which was prominent at our founding when literacy was high and the Bible was placed at the root of every subject. When you give to FACE, you are helping restore to future Americans their Christian heritage of liberty.
Will you partner with us now? Your gift of $100, or any amount, will help turn the tide of secularism and socialism in our nation. Your support of authentic Christian education will help teachers, schools, and pastors educate children multi-generationally. This gives us hope that we can restore America to the glory of Christian character and liberty.
Thank you for standing with us in prayer and finances. With your help, generations of American children will know the truth—and the truth will keep them free.
Teach the children.

Carole G. Adams, President
P.S. To believe in the Providence of God is to believe that He has the answer to socialism… He chooses His instruments, prepares them, and allows them to provide the answers He has in mind for our nation. Verna Hall
P.P.S. Will you answer God’s providential call to restore the generations by teaching the
children? Consider joining our Society of Restorers. Your monthly gift will teach and train those who sacrifice to re-educate our children in Biblical principles and values that will restore America to her rightful place among the nations.
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
1 Peter 2:9