Every issue rests on Principles. Learn to identify and defend the basic principles that are relevant to the issues of today. Dr. Gai Ferdon has authored a book that helps equip readers to understand the Biblical principles that formed the thinking and reasoning of our founding generation. When America’s historic values and the pillar principles that framed our U.S. Constitution are fixed, we are prepared to contend against postmodern ideas which are destructive counterfeits. A Republic If You Can Keep It is an excellent source for an in-depth study of the basis of America’s authentic liberty including:
- God’s Principle of Individuality
- Christian Principle of Self-Government and Christian Character
- Liberty of Conscience
- Christian Form of Government and the Principle of Local Self-Government
- Christian Principle of American Political Union
Included in this bundle, FREE, is part one of The Welfare State, a four-part video lecture by Dr. Gai Ferdon. Part one is titled General Overview of the U.S. Constitutional Order and System: The Nature of the Declaration of Independence as the Charter of the Nation and the Rise of Federalism with the U.S. Constitution. This lecture explains the role of government as a “punisher of evildoers.” Our founders understood this and strictly limited the powers of the federal government as they drafted the Constitution. They did not see government as a provider but knew God designed us to provide for ourselves.
Order today and receive 20% off using code BMREP. A Republic If You Can Keep It, by Dr. Gai Ferdon, softcover, 547 pages. Regular price $29.95, plus free video lecture $10 value, General Overview of the U.S. Constitutional Order and System: The Nature of the Declaration of Independence as the Charter of the Nation and the Rise of Federalism with the U.S. Constitution. Total value $39.95 now only $23.96 with code BMREP. Order now.
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