Everyone loves stories, and telling stories is one of the most powerful ways to teach. It was the teaching method modeled by Jesus throughout the Gospels and proved to be … Continue reading “How to teach Christian Character this Thanksgiving”
Discerning Moment
Timeless truths from America’s treasury
Teach Your Children to be Content
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, or his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your … Continue reading “Teach Your Children to be Content”
Teach your children to tell the Truth
Commandment IX:You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.Exodus 20:16 The ninth commandment concerns our own and our neighbour’s good name. This forbids speaking falsely on any matter, lying, … Continue reading “Teach your children to tell the Truth”
Teach your children to respect property
Commandment VIII:You shall not steal.Exodus 20:15 The eighth commandment is the law of love as it respects the property of others,” says Matthew Henry. “What are we not to steal? … Continue reading “Teach your children to respect property”
Teach your children to love their neighbor
Commandment VII:You shall not commit adultery.Exodus 20:14 The seventh commandment expresses the honor we are to give to the purity of our neighbor. William Ames writes, “Chastity is a virtue, … Continue reading “Teach your children to love their neighbor”
The meaning of humanity
Commandment VI:You shall not murder.Exodus 20:13 Humanity, n. The peculiar nature of man, by which he is distinguished from other beings. Thus Christ, by his incarnation, was invested with humanity.—American Dictionary … Continue reading “The meaning of humanity”
Teach your children generational blessing
Commandment V:Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.Exodus 20:12 “The laws of the SECOND table, … Continue reading “Teach your children generational blessing”
Teach your children to care for their souls
Commandment IV:Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.Exodus 20:8 Honoring the Sabbath is not only a time of rest but it is a day “sanctified at the time in … Continue reading “Teach your children to care for their souls”
Teach your children to put God first
Commandment I:You shall have no other gods before me.Exodus 20:3 Understanding and obeying the Ten Commandments leads to a good life. This commandment tells us that first place must always … Continue reading “Teach your children to put God first”
Education for Christian Self-Government
America is a nation of self-governed individuals, but for the most part, we have forgotten that idea. How can we “remember” this key concept and return our nation to its true purpose—liberty … Continue reading “Education for Christian Self-Government”