Part One of Two
And the effect of righteousness will be peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever.
Isaiah 32:17 ESV
The daily barrage of news and social media in America is creating a climate of fear, hate and an increasing hostility toward traditional conservative values—a narration that fans the flames of acrimony among fellow citizens.
How can we respond to this “new” bias and distortion of our foundational, Biblical principles? A call for a return to righteousness is the answer.
The1828 Webster Dictionary defines the concept of “Righteousness” as conformity of heart and life to divine law. It includes all we call justice, honesty and virtue.
Righteousness is rooted in the individual life by teaching Christian self-government and employing Bible principles in our lives.
To return our nation to liberty, the first step is a return to individual and family righteousness. If we do this, God promises, the work of righteousness will be peace.…quietness and trust forever.
Teach the Children:
- Righteousness is an internal character that reflects Christ and a conscience void of offense before God and man—liberty of conscience.
- Living righteously results in a healthy self image and identity.
- God is the source of our righteousness.
Jesus is the Restorer of righteousness.
Lessons in Liberty 2021 Series, Pathway to Biblical Liberty, Foundation for American Christian Education, “Christian Character and Virtuous Leadership Part I and II”, Gary Porter lecturer.