Dear brothers and sisters from FACE,
First of all, I want to express my gratitude for helping me attend this past summer teacher training.
I also want to share with you a challenging ministry opportunity God has presented to me. In 2008, God called me into missions, but I never imagined that my own nation would be my mission field!
After almost three years of training in The Principle Approach method of education at the YWAM Tyler, TX base, I know that God has equipped me with knowledge and the tools I need in order to influence the sphere of education. I will have the privilege of teaching children with Biblical Principles. This long-term mission trip will focus on “discipling children through education” in an area of the world that is often referred to as ‘the heart of corruption and violence’.
I will be involved in pioneering a small Christian school in Mazatlan, using a curriculum founded on Biblical principles, to start developing Christian character in early childhood.
Ask of Me, and I will assuredly give [You] the nations as Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth as Your possession.
Psalms 2:8 (AMP)
The purpose of this ministry is:
- To use a Christian Method (Principle Approach) to liberate, inspire and build character. The Principle Approach teaches us that the end of education is not just thinking or knowing, but acting in accordance with the truth of God’s Word.
- To teach the student in school to regard the internal demands of the conscience as causative of behavior and action, and see the external environment as the effect.
This results in the student learning to subdue the earth for God’s purpose, according to His will. This is true liberty.
Where there is no vision [no revelation of God and His word], the people are unrestrained; But happy and blessed is he who keeps the law [of God].
Proverbs 29:18 (AMP)
This year we will pioneer a Kindergarten class. We have 6 students enrolled and while that may not seem like a lot, we are happy with the number. There’s SO much to do in order to get ready for our August 19 start date!
I look forward to keeping you updated!
I am truly excited about the opportunity and the experiences that lie ahead. My hope is that you will see the value in what we will accomplish through this ministry
Please pray for us as we pioneer this ministry.
Prayer is the fuel that will allow us to be successful as we follow God’s leading in ministry to the nations.
Estefania Contreras
Please Pray for:
GRACE AND FAVOR to find the right housing, the right friends, and the right church to fellowship with in this new season.
GUIDENCE AND WISDOM to lead this preparation time of curriculum planning, scheduling, meeting with parents, etc.
SUPPORTERS who are able to partner with me praying as I pioneer this educational project.