Welcome! Let’s get started!
All that is necessary is vision. If you don’t possess a vision for your children, the culture has a vision for them. You need to know and walk confidently in the path of bringing your child to his fullest expression in Christ—to form Christian character, to enlighten the understanding, to prepare them for their God ordained role, equipped and ready to lead in their generation.
We are not meant to be enslaved by our culture but enlightened by truth, fierce in our battle for our children’s minds and hearts and humble enough to allow the Lord to teach us in this journey of understanding Biblical principles of education. We at FACE are ready to help equip you with curriculum and training to confidently bring your child a Biblical Worldview education to lead in their generation!
The heart of the Principle Approach teaches students to reason from Biblical truth, or principles, and to make application to every area of life. It is a Hebraic form of education. Every class begins with God’s Word from the Divine language of mathematics to the hand of Providence in history, each subject is taught from the perspective of God as Author.
The purpose of education, under this philosophy, is to enlighten the understanding, shape the character, form the habits of discipline, and prepare young men and women to fulfill their God-given potential.
Students are taught to think and reason from Biblical principles and apply them to every area of life. Students are taught how to think, not what to think. The student thinks governmentally, having learned to ascertain who or what is in control in every context. Thinking governmentally forms the habit of checking conscience and directing his own actions from a character of Christian self-government. The student thinks in application of Biblical principles in all areas of life, making sense of his world in the context of truth.
The Principle Approach:
- Has its philosophical origins in the Bible
- Has distinctive methodology revealed through a biblical pedagogy of teaching and learning
- Unfolds the character and nature of God as revealed in Scripture and demonstrated in the Creator
- Discovers the purposes of God for man and government
- Is applicable to all times and cultures
- Teaches intensive phonetics instead of innovative methods
- Reasoning and writing instead of Marxist methods of true/false/multiple choice
- Reflective instead of non-reflective learning
- Internal to external instead of external reactive
- Notebook method instead of workbook method
Pam Tebow shares how the Principle Approach changed her life.
“We loved using the Principle Approach because we believed that God’s Word needed to be the basis for our home education. We wanted to center everything around it… that God’s Word—the Principle Approach teaches us—was not to be added to curriculum, but curriculum would center around God’s Word.” Pam Tebow
Getting Started
- A great place to begin is with the book Renewing the Mind for Teaching and Learning. This course teaches the philosophy and methodology written in nine lessons designed to challenge or establish your philosophy of Christian education while also restoring the character and scholarship that will support Christian education and self- government in your child. This course is also taught periodically online to help you get started in the Principle Approach. Click here to learn more about the book and the online course.
- Take the Foundations for Authentic Christian Teaching and Learning course taught each summer in the classroom and online or can be taken as an independent study. This is an entry level course which develops Biblical reasoning, the practice of the methods that form Christian character, mastery of the Biblical classical approach that measurably forms the Biblical worldview for al of life, preparation to be a living textbook to your students, and much more. Learn more.
- Request the free “The Noah Plan Homeschool Companion.” This 50+ page e-book is filled with practical insights for teaching with The Noah Plan® curriculum, complete with illustrations and actual samples of student work. Click here to request a download.
“Thank you! As a homeschooling family we appreciate your strong Biblical foundation in the American context.” Homeschool Mom
Noah Plan Curriculum
- The Noah Plan Curriculum Guides root every subject in the Bible and teach the principles of the Bible in every lesson of history, geography, literature, English, mathematics, science, reading, and art.

- Shop Noah Plan Curriculum by grade level or subject. Classic literature in each grade level with teacher guides and student packets, Bible as the reader program, Classic Grammar, French curriculum, history and geography, and more.
FACE offers on-line courses in the Principle Approach. These courses build upon Renewing The Mind: “Foundations in the Principle Approach,” “The Seven Principles,” and “Mastering Providential History.” Each course has seven to nine segments of 30 minutes each, additional readings and study, and result in the development of a notebook that will be valuable in your teaching. There are also curriculum and subject specific courses.
Thank you for your interest in The Noah Plan. We look forward to working with you as you learn more about the Principle Approach. Please contact Max Lyons, Director of Teaching Services, for questions and help getting started.