The Foundations Course for Authentic Christian Teaching and Learning was held at the FACE Teaching and Learning Center in July. This five-day intensive focused on the philosophy, methods and curriculum of Biblical classical Principle Approach education and was attended by over 60 individuals on-campus and online. This unique and diverse group represented Christian school teachers and administrators, homeschool and hybrid homeschool parents, Christian school “start-ups”, pastors and others interested in learning about education that will touch many in the culture multi-generationally. This group was totally committed to the revitalization of the culture and nation, God’s way, one life at a time.
It is said that one teacher influences as many as three million people in a teaching career, making an immense, vital and long term difference in the community. Individuals participating in the Foundations Course represented many states including Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Idaho, Oklahoma, Florida, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Tennessee, Wisconsin, New York, California and Nebraska. FACE is grateful that the seeds of Principle Approach education are being planted in our nation for long-term change.
Testimonials from our Foundations Training Week:
“I want to thank you and all those involved last week for your invaluable teachings. This is definitely an excellent way to teach and I have learned a lot. ….once settled back home, I will go through all the lessons and work on the assignments, but I think it will be more for personal growth so I will be more equipped to share and teach about our American Christian History and encouraging others to get involved in our local, state and federal government as is our civil right and duty.”
E.C. Colorado
“Thank you so much to Dr. Adams for this follow-up letter! I immediately had the opportunity Wednesday evening to begin planting more seeds into the congregation of our local body. It was a powerful time in which many were hungry to hear. I greatly anticipate digging into our assignments! No words can express what an amazing time we had on our journey to, during and from Virginia. We three agree that we have been internally transformed forever.”
C.L. Co-Pastor, Oklahoma
“I am still ever joyful , expectant , ready, engaged and passionate from our meeting and incredible education time. I bless you all with a heart of deep appreciation. Armed in love and purpose!”
Christian School Teacher, Oklahoma
“Thank you for sending this letter to me. It was a real encouragement. The Scripture that was referenced at the beginning of the letter went off in my spirit like a firecracker!
Michael, Public School Teacher
The phrase—“may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by His power” really spoke to me. I am lifting up my desire to be part of the certification process to the Lord. In any case, I am going to complete my Foundations notebook and begin developing the seven lessons around the Principle Approach and seek to apply it to my teaching.
It’s interesting to note that I did a T chart this morning contrasting the Principle Approach with the dominant pedagogical model here at my school—Project Based Learning. I realized the differences and marveled at how God has brought me to this “T intersection”. So I’ll be walking a bit of a tightrope.
I have been on this Principle Approach journey since 2014,…but I have learned more in the last week of the Foundations Course than all the time before that. Something is beginning to click inside. Praise God.”