Your support has positioned FACE for tremendous growth and influence in 2022:
SUMMER TEACHER TRAINING of over 100 teachers representing 16 Christian schools in 3 weeks of intense courses.
MASTER TEACHER PRINCIPLE APPROACH CERTIFICATION PROGRAM graduated 22 teachers of teachers to multiply results plus enrolled 21 more in the program.
PASTOR AND LEADER SUMMITS calling for the restoration of local communities through education.
FACE LEADING SCHOOLS PROGRAM equips 41 Christian Schools to impact their communities.
EQUIPPING THOUSANDS OF PARENTS to save their children from indoctrination and take back their responsibility for the Christian education of Christian children. Forty-six participants in the Renewing the Mind course live online.
FACE PRINCIPLED STUDIES GROUPS equipping and supporting fifty community groups to equip homes and churches, and in local communities with Biblical principles for life, education, and government.
Today in 2022, the FACE mission represents to many the hope of the nation—a return to the root of liberty through education in Christian history and the principles that make us free—at a time most Americans are now asking the right questions and catching up with reality. FACE is thriving because American Christians are facing the predicted reality. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
The FACE vision is to return America’s Christian history to the hearts of Americans, and nurture Christian character and self-government through education in succeeding generations. Vision is a powerful commodity. Vision has driven every success and failure the world has known. Vision has changed history, sparked wars, built civilizations, fueled man’s dominion over nature and technology. Vision is a precious commodity when driven by God’s purposes. The Lord has equipped and is enabling the FACE team to meet the challenges of this moment in His Story.
Leading Schools Orientations
Rebuilding the Culture Multi-Generationlly for His-Story
Leading Schools Orientations held this year in April, May, and September bring those who seriously plan to establish Principle Approach K-12 schools to Virginia to visit a demonstration school, and to learn the details of the program. In our Leading Schools program we invest decades of experience in starting and running schools to provide a more direct path for the many hundreds of churches and individuals who are waking up to the essential need of Biblical classical education. As we strengthen schools we are seeding communities with Biblical truth. The purpose of the orientation is three-fold: introduce school leaders to FACE, get to know them and the vision God has given them to start or transition to a Principle Approach school, and present an overview of the Leading Schools Program (LSP). The 2-day event culminated with a field study to Stonebridge School, a Principle Approach Demonstration School in Chesapeake, VA where they were able to observe classrooms and seasoned Principle Approach teachers. The next Leading Schools Orientation will be held the first week of December. We have had nineteen leaders representing eight different states so far this year.
Principle Approach Master Teacher Certification Program
Teacher Training to Secure the Family, the Church, and the Nation
Government and private education, based in what John Dewey called “progressive” education that is focused upon the collective rather than the individual, send out teachers bereft of the basic knowledge to teach Christian children to live in unity with their Creator and perpetuate the liberty to do so. Principle Approach education, therefore requires that teachers be re-trained, first in the Word of God as it generates true education, and then in the principles that govern the universe and ensure the quality and purpose of their lives. At FACE, we value teaching and learning according to Christ so well that we offer courses every summer and on-line for beginners in our “Foundations of Authentic Christian Education” course, and for certification in the Principle Approach in our “Principle Approach Applications” and “Principle Approach Exhibition” course. Some of the testimonies we receive tell you better than we can why we do this and how it impacts the Kingdom.
“The Principle Approach was precisely what we were looking for! My activating husband signed me up right away for the Courses to equip me for bringing this method into our home. This is now the beginning of our 2nd year of using this method of Biblical reasoning for all subjects in our homeschool for our five young children- we praise God for the treasure that FACE has preserved for such a time as this. Something I didn’t expect to receive was the gift of hope- I am encouraged to a deep and freeing hope for a better future as we equip the youth of this generation with the Biblical reasoning skills through the Principle Approach. Thank you to each one who has helped preserve original sources, developed additional resources, led by living by faith and hope, and left a legacy of doing the hard things that paved the way for the path we now have to walk on!”
‑Marcelina, a homeschool mom of five.
“Our teachers are LOVING Foundations! It’s wonderful to see their excitement and amazement as they learn all the principles, concepts, providential history, etc. Yes, God has truly blessed our efforts and our school. We are truly blessed to have such a dedicated team of committed Christian disciples on our faculty. Freddi and I are enjoying going through Foundations again. The sessions have been fantastic…I miss being there! We are deeply grateful to FACE for the kind generosity toward True North Academy, without which we would not have been able to train our teachers. Thank you so much!!!”
‑Roxana, a participant in 2021 Foundations who sent teachers from True North Academy to the Foundations Course in 2022
Each summer we’re amazed at the quality of lessons exhibited or certification. As students of the Principle Approach, we are disciples of truth in education, seeking God’s thoughts in our studies, the Bible as the first and essential study, then mastery of the whole method and process of teaching and learning. The Principle Approach is a life-long study, setting a trajectory for your personal growth and learning, and for the children and students entrusted to you. Here’s another story told by a FACE faculty member:
In July, Shelly arrived at training to present her model lesson for completion of the requirements for Master Principle Approach Teacher Certification. We were her class of four-year olds, ready to learn shapes and numbers! Shelly had been a four year old teacher for many years when her headmaster required that all the faculty retake the FACE “Foundations of Authentic Christian Education” course one summer. Although she had been through the week-long course before, she dutifully signed up again. That week gave her a new vision. She went back and re-designed her curriculum inspired by her progress through the certification program. Now she was exhibiting the outcome for professional certification. Her tools and her confidence were ready for the task! The lesson was amazing — simple, active and fun for fours, formative of character and conscience, principled—a model Principle Approach lesson in every way. We loved it!
“FACE summer Principle Approach courses broadened my understanding of the cross curriculum applicability of the Seven Principles of Liberty. The course also focused on practical application which strengthened teacher readiness and built confidence in preparation to teach on day one in a Principle Approach school. The course is truly enriching and invaluable, helping to build a foundation of understanding of the Principle Approach methodology for all educators.”
Noel, 2022 Foundations Course attendee and head of a Principle Approach school
FACE VISION: Raise an army of individual lives prepared to build the family, the church, and the nation through education in a Biblical-theistic worldview to glorify God above all and bless the people by applying wise principles to all areas of life.
Setting Priorities. Staying Focused. Getting Stronger. Making an Impact!
Prayer is the first and most important mobilization of strength.
Our long term goal remains steadfast on:
• Developing Principle Approach Christian schools able to prepare Christian children to lead in restoring the culture for the family, the church, and the future of the nation.
• Expanding training teachers to provide authentic American Christian education for Christian children in multiple locations.
• Supporting “Enlightening the Nation Principled Studies Groups” in churches and communities across the nation. Teaching Renewing the Mind four times per year.
• Publishing and teaching America’s Christian history and method of education to restore Christian character and self-government.
We are grateful for our awakening to the new move of God in education!
Please Pray for:
- Staffing needs of FACE as we hire new staff and mentors for the work ahead.
- Opportunities to expand our teacher training programs across the country.
- Funding of the Plan $350,000 by year end: Ten new schools planning openings, many more in dozens of communities.
- The teachers, school leaders, parents, and students who partner with us in the multi-generational plan to repair the fabric of the nation.
Lessons in Liberty: Tearing Down the Wall Many are joining us in our classroom and online for our 2022-23 Lessons in Liberty Series Tearing Down the Wall: Religion and Politics.
God moves His people to get involved, for such a time as this. Thank you for your generosity!
To support the work of FACE financially please consider joining our Society of Restores by becoming a monthly giving partner. Click the donate button below to learn more. You can schedule monthly or one-time gifts or leave a Legacy Gift. You may also give by calling 800-352-3223. Thank you!