“and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
Dear Friend,
Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world, but Biblical Christian Education is what is necessary to restore a Christian civilization.
Martin Luther said, “I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of the youth.” At FACE, we teach parents and teachers how to educate children in Biblical Truth to set them free.
Many of us are alarmed by the rapid decline in our society away from a moral base. We are shocked at what our children are being exposed to in schools and question how we got to a place where we cannot identify a woman or a man and can appoint a female Supreme Court justice who doesn’t know what a woman is.
A teacher recently shared with me, “For me, seeing the authentic Biblical Christian model of teaching and learning that built a self-governing nation was like looking at a genuine dollar bill to recognize a counterfeit. It explained why my experience teaching in Virginia and Massachusetts public high schools offended my love of learning and canceled every young teacher’s ideal of ‘touching the future.’ The mundanity of mass-producing average student test grades was just the beginning of the disillusion.”
Secularism robs every subject area of inspiration, fascination, reality, and practicality, leaving subjects weakly anemic and irrelevant to life, random, and forgettable. It produces what C.S. Lewis called “men without chests,” shrunken souls.
Why did Christian schooling entering the stage in the 50s and 60s fail to reverse the regression of American education and fall short of empowering the Kingdom or the culture? It patterned methods and curriculum after the prevailing secular model that inevitably reproduced that model’s results. Simply adding Bible to a secular philosophy of education produces only conflicting philosophies.
Authentic Biblical Christian teaching and learning place the Bible at the heart of every subject in the curriculum. The under-use of the Bible and its principles in the classroom has predictable results seen in government schooling today. The Biblical method of knowing God through every subject makes the Bible the source of life and learning and is the birthright of every Christian child.
Taking control of educating Kingdom children is a bold step that strikes at the heart of the problems that plague the nation. FACE is creating the promise for the future for our children and grandchildren by planting authentic Biblical Christian schools across the nation as anchors of Truth in communities towards the transformation of the American culture. Our grassroots efforts gain momentum as we continue to equip and encourage “Principled Studies” group leaders in communities, churches, and neighborhoods.
I want to ask you to prayerfully consider helping us reach our next goal of $250,000 by July 1— investing in the network of Principle Approach schools in communities around the country, for the training of teachers and parents in the Principle Approach certification program, and for reaching churches and pastors with the challenge to return the responsibility of educating Kingdom children to the church.
Thank you for your continued support of the FACE mission as we offer solutions, strategies, and tools of transformation to the home, the church, and, most importantly, the schooling of the next generation. These are urgent times to get the message out and make Biblical education more accessible to families across the nation. I ask you to prayerfully consider sowing into this mission to help us reach our goal of fifty Principle Approach teaching centers across the country.
With your help and God’s grace, we can shift the culture in America to one that is Christ-honoring and Biblical-thinking. Please consider joining us today.
Thankfully serving,
Carey Woodruff
P.S. We are excited to invite your partnership to provide Biblical solutions to the troubles that threaten the family, the church, and the nation.
Through education in Biblical principles, God’s people must address the issues of religious liberty, abortion, racism, and gender issues and, in so doing, block the indoctrination of Marxist ideas from entering the hearts and minds of Christian children.