Commandment V:Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.Exodus 20:12 “The laws of the SECOND table, … Continue reading “Teach your children generational blessing”
Author: Amy Green
Teach your children to care for their souls
Commandment IV:Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.Exodus 20:8 Honoring the Sabbath is not only a time of rest but it is a day “sanctified at the time in … Continue reading “Teach your children to care for their souls”
Teach your children to put God first
Commandment I:You shall have no other gods before me.Exodus 20:3 Understanding and obeying the Ten Commandments leads to a good life. This commandment tells us that first place must always … Continue reading “Teach your children to put God first”
Education for Christian Self-Government
America is a nation of self-governed individuals, but for the most part, we have forgotten that idea. How can we “remember” this key concept and return our nation to its true purpose—liberty … Continue reading “Education for Christian Self-Government”