Now is the time to take action for permanent change in our culture.
Recently, a group of Christian business leaders were discussing current events and lamenting today’s youth who have not been taught the history and source of their liberty, and therefore are short-changed in their quest for truth and knowledge.
Would you agree? If you answered yes, then you may be pondering, What will the future of America be? In what kind of nation will our children and grandchildren live?
The future depends on restoring truth in education.
We’re honored you value the mission and vision of the Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE) and encouraged by how valuable the ministry has been to so many—including decision makers like you.
Certainly, a new spirit is moving across America. It is a spirit of restoration to reclaim the knowledge of God and to impart the understanding of the principles of liberty in this and subsequent generations. Truth in education is the means of restoring the culture today. We must begin by educating children in a biblical worldview to influence the direction of the culture going forward, as one of our partners says: to rebuild the culture multi-generationally. The Principle Approach, the method of teaching and learning that formed the character and thinking of our founding generation to build a self-governing nation, is now at work again bringing restoration.
The wrong ideas of socialism that proselytize our young people are exposed by Principle Approach education, while presenting the truths that shine a clear pathway to perpetuating our treasured liberty.
We can restore the American character, ideals and biblical worldview that have been eroded, by expanding our perspective to the multi-generational impact of education and work toward the result of lasting change. To restore is “to bring back or recover from degeneracy” and that is precisely how a Principle Approach education works.
Education today determines tomorrow’s philosophy and scope of government, quality of culture, influence of the church, strength of the family and health of our economy.
Education is at the core of every national issue. That is why I am inviting you to join with us as we expand our impact to reach more parents, pastors, Christian school teachers and leaders with the tools and support to sustain a truly Christian education.
Will you help restore America and ensure the future?
We are asking you today to commit to serve with us through monthly giving in any amount as a Restoring Partner. When you walk with us, FACE grows strong and your influence is extended through the mission that connects the Christian spirit and character to America’s original purpose in liberty. There is a growing demand for true Christian education. Will you be a part of God’s great move for one of the most critical needs today?
It is not too late to restore our nation. God is the author and He is still writing “His Story” and the story of America and you can have an impact!
We ask you to help us equip an army of restorers on the front line of truth in education: Christian teachers, school administrators, churches, patriots, pastors, are desperate for solutions.
The role of our partners who commit to serving with us as Restorers is to ensure a steady flow of impact by equipping parents, teachers, pastors, and patriots to influence a new generation. Restorer is the most accurate word to describe our monthly supporters. Restoring Partners are a great stabilizer through consistent investment of monthly commitments. While we have 120 givers who donate to the mission each year, a relatively small group has demonstrated partnership through monthly giving. Our goal is to add 25 additional Restoring Partners to our team by April 15th. Will you prayerfully consider being one of them? You will walk closely with us in ministry, and we will consistently update you on the impact of your giving.
The FACE ministry is supported about 35% from curriculum sales—and the balance from partners like you! FACE is committed to being excellent stewards of every dollar you deposit into the lives of students, teachers and families. Thank you in advance for sustainable giving to FACE. Your gift, regardless of the amount, moves us closer to the $200,000 in contributed revenue we need to move forward with stability in 2019.
With every gift you help us change lives by…
• Delivering truth in education in local communities at grassroots level where Christian families are searching for a means of educating their children in truth.
• Continuing to provide the wealth of resources flowing for Christian schools, home schools, churches, and associated ministries through print, on-line, and social media
• Training Christian teachers and parents to implement Principle Approach in K-12 education
• Mentoring and equipping new Principle Approach centers in localities across the country and around the world to establish anchors of truth in education as outreach at grassroots level to impact communities
• Cultivate the future Christian leaders in the next generation prepared to lead the nation righteously and in accord with God’s purposes for America
Contributions in any amount are vital to our ministry. We are asking you to please consider a monthly commitment at this pivotal time in our nation’s history, to grow and deepen the impact of FACE. This mission is greater than one person, and FACE grows stronger in influence when you take part in the movement to restore the distinctly American ideals, character and liberty to the next generation.
Thank you for standing with us to restore our nation. Please fill out the attached giving card with your gift commitment, or you can conveniently and securely go online to
We will move forward boldly as God provides and as He directs. Thank you for standing for the future of our children and for America.
Carey Adams Woodruff
P.S. Would you prayerfully consider a commitment of $100, $250 or $500 per month—or even more? We are praying and believing for a multi-generational impact on our nation. We are not going to idly stand by and let the culture dictate who we are or what we will become! Now is the time to take action! Thank you for partnering with us. May God bless you.
There are three ways you can give to the ministry of FACE:
- By check, which can be mailed to The Foundation for American Christian Education, P.O. Box 9588, Chesapeake, Virginia 23321.
- Online giving through one of our safe and secure online gift-giving options. Just click here to give.
- We always welcome your donation by phone. Just call 800-352-3223.
Thank you for your sustaining support of FACE this year through your prayers and gifts. Please know that our staff prays for all our partners and works tirelessly to reinforce your efforts in upholding America’s Christian values and Biblical form of government.
Thank you for making a difference.