The Foundation for American Christian Education Christian Philosophy Course to fulfill the ACSI Christian Philosophy of Education Requirement
We desire to assist you in fulfilling the ACSI Christian Philosophy of Education Requirement which is necessary for your ACSI teacher certification. By successfully completing our Foundations Course and Practicum, with a little additional work, you will also complete the ACSI Christian Philosophy of Education Requirement, saving you time and additional work.
There is a $25 processing fee for the Christian Philosophy Course. Use the link below to register.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Max Lyons, Ph.D., Director of Teaching Services.
Course Overview
FIRST HALF: Christian Philosophy
- How to Really Make America Great Again: Why Education is the Key to Restoring America, Max Lyons, Ph.D., 2 hours
- Reclaiming True Education Course, Max Lyons Ph.D. (must watch at least one session of this four session course) Max Lyons, 1.5 hours
READ one of the following:
Education from a Biblical Worldview, E Daniel Schneider, 2004
Renewing the Mind for Teaching and Learning, Carole Adams and Elizabeth Youmans, 2004
WRITE a paper, four to six pages in length, of your personal philosophy of education as informed by a Biblical worldview. The paper should address at least six educational philosophy components and how they are manifested in a classroom setting.
Based on the video and readings you have completed, write a CPoE paper, four to six pages in length, addressing the following six components:
- Christian Core Beliefs and the Purpose of Education (It should include a discussion of what we know about God and what we believe is true, real, and of value; the themes of creation, the Fall, redemption, and the Christian’s role in restoration should be included.)
- Nature of the learner
- Nature and role of the teacher
- Nature of the learning process
- A Christian’s view of subject matter and curriculum
- Conclusion that includes the writer’s view of the goal of Christian education and resulting educational practice.
SECOND HALF: Biblical Integration
Days three and four of Foundations Course by The Foundation for American Christian Education. Topics on these two days of instruction include: Contrast of Biblical and Progressive Methods, Overviewing Methods and Essential Practices, Notebook Method and the Word Study, Tutorial Spirit, Assessment, Results, Models: Subject Areas form a Framework of Truth (The Bible as Primary Reader, Literature, Classic Grammar, Mathematics, Geography), Understanding the Biblical Worldview. 12 hours
READ one of the following books:
Making the Connections: How to Put Biblical Worldview Integration into Practice, Don Johnson and Dr. Christian Overman, 2003
The Philosophy of the Christian Curriculum, Rousas Rushdoony, 2001
WRITE two biblically integrated lesson plans (in the discipline of your choice).These lesson plans are part of the Practicum I that you will complete after attending the week long Foundations Course.